Monitoring & Evaluation
From 1st August 2022, the Trust updated its requirements for the monitoring of grants awarded and reporting is now required for ALL GRANTS OF £2,000 OR MORE. Earlier grants will be subject to the requirements stated in the original grant offer e-mail. The Trust’s Terms and Conditions of Grant were updated to reflect this change.
The following information applies to all grants awarded AFTER 1st AUGUST 2022
We would like you to report back on how your grant was spent and the difference it has made to your work. We require reports back from any organisation in receipt of a grant of £2,000 or more but are happy to also receive them for smaller grants too. Those who receive smaller amounts may still request an online monitoring report link via e-mail but it’s not a condition of the grant award and you may also submit a short report in your own format. If there are project delays etc, an extension to the report deadline can be requested. If we didn’t receive confirmation of grant payment receipt, and the grant is less than £2,000, we may request a monitoring form to confirm that the funds were received and spent.
The Trust uses a brief online monitoring report form which asks for confirmation that you’ve spent the funds, what you’ve spent them on, the difference they have made to your work and feedback about your experience with the Trust. The report form is linked to your application on our system so you need to use the unique link provided to you. We invite all grant recipients with grants of £2,000 or more to complete their form with an e-mail containing the link, 2 months before the anniversary of the grant payment. If you would like to complete your form before receiving your invite or if you have a smaller grant and would like to report back via our form, please e-mail us and we can send you the link. You will also have the opportunity to upload up to 2 attachments which can be photos or additional reports.
Please complete the form within 6 months of your grant payment or before you make a new application for funding, whichever happens first. If you need more time to complete your report due to project delays etc, please get in contact via e-mail and we can reschedule it. You may submit reports in other formats via e-mail but please do this in addition to the online form. We chase up all missing reports and if a report hasn’t been received after chasing, we’ll put a flag on your organisation and will not consider a subsequent grant application while it remains outstanding.
Organisations in receipt of large grants or those who have received regular support over a number of years may be visited by a Trustee or member of staff. This will give organisations a chance to feedback to us how their grant has been used, how they found the Trust’s application process and discuss any current and future funding needs.

Jacob’s Ladder Beach, Sidmouth, March 2022