Next Sub Committee – 24th April 2020

UPDATE: The Trustees are going to meet online on Friday (24th April) to make decisions on the applications received by 16th April.  We will contact those applicants informing them of the outcomes via e-mail within a few days of the meeting.  Please continue to submit...

Recent Grants – February 2020

At the Trust’s recent Sub Committee Meeting in February, the Trustees awarded 24 grants totalling £31,800.  They included:   £5,000 to North Devon Hospice towards refurbishment of patient bathrooms £1,000 to Spinal Injuries Association towards the Peer Support...

Next Sub Committee – 13th March 2020

The next meeting of the Sub Committee (which considers the majority of the Trust’s applications for funding) is on 13th March 2020.  If you would like to your application to be considered at this meeting, we need to have received your application paperwork in the...

Changes to the Board of Trustees

In the past 6 months, we’ve had a few changes to our Board of Trustees.  Michael Saunders, who has been a trustee for almost 20 years and Chairman since the retirement of Roger Dawe in March 2018, retired from the Trust in June 2019 and was replaced by William...

Recent Grants – December 2019

At the Trust’s recent Sub Committee Meeting in December, the Trustees awarded 32 grants totalling £38,578.  They included: £1,000 to Young Enterprise for a project introducing students to the realities of work in Devon £900 to Music in Hospitals and Care to provide 3...

Next Sub Committee – 3rd February 2020

The next meeting of the Sub Committee (which considers the majority of the Trust’s applications for funding) is on 3rd February 2020.  If you would like to your application to be considered at this meeting, we need to have received your application paperwork in the...

Recent Grants – September 2019

At the Trust’s recent Sub Committee Meeting in September, the Trustees awarded 33 grants totalling £35,212.  They included:   £2,000 to Newton Poppleford Playing Field Foundation towards improvements to the Pavilion £925 to Gilead Foundations Charity towards the...

Next Sub Committee – 2nd December 2019

The next meeting of the Sub Committee (which considers the majority of the Trust’s applications for funding) is on 2nd December 2019.  If you would like to your application to be considered at this meeting, we need to have received your application paperwork in the...

Recent Grants – July 2019

At the Trust’s recent Sub Committee Meeting in July, the Trustees awarded 37 grants totalling £36,469.  They included:   £500 to Exeter Phoenix towards arts groups for young people and young learning disabled adults £1,000 to Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club towards the...